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What are WIST Data Solutions’ qualifications?

As a team, we have a range of industry experience with non-profits including K-12 schools, the arts, social service agencies and the health care industry. Collectively, we have used Raiser’s Edge for nearly 75 years and Little Green Light for nearly 30! In addition, our staff follows releases, updates, and blogs from Blackbaud, LGL and the Association of Fundraising Professionals. We tune in to information from others in the industry in order to provide you with service that incorporates our experience with an ongoing knowledge of what is available to you through our software providers as well as other third party software providers that incorporate into RE, eTapestry, and LGL.


What can I expect if I work with WIST Data Solutions?

Our staff will listen to your organization to understand your needs, concerns, history, and internal culture. We seek to approach each client with thoughtful and candid responses as we work with you to identify problems and solutions within your system. Helping your organization harness your data so that you can better reach your goals and accomplish your mission is our objective, and we don’t take that lightly. We value stewardship regarding your time and your finances.


Would I benefit from partnering with WIST Data Solutions?

If you can say YES to any of these statements, then YES, you would benefit from WIST!

  • I’d like to use my data more effectively.

  • I know my database can do more, but I don’t know where to start.

  • We need a system that we can implement consistently and immediately.

  • We are a small shop and haven’t had the capacity to make data a priority.

  • I need training, but I can’t afford to leave my office.

  • None of the data people we’ve had seemed to enter information the same way.

  • We track data in Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, and paper files.

  • We haven't been able to hire a database manager, and we need help with reports and gift entry.

  • We need effective solutions on a non-profit budget.


We need gift entry help. Can you do that?

Certainly! Whether it is to cover a leave, fill in while you hire, or act as if we are part of your staff for the long term, we’ve got you covered. We are knowledgeable, fast, and accurate while also able to adapt to your specific needs. Each member of the team is experienced in advancement services – not just gift entry, but reporting, receipting, and regular data maintenance. We can work with you to make sure your needs are met.


I'm sure you do all your meetings via Zoom, but what if we need personal training?

Our training sessions can be done in person or via a platform like Zoom. The hourly rate is the same no matter how many people are in the room or what the "room" is like. It is strongly recommended, however, that sessions with more than 4 people be done in-person for the best use of time. 


Is WIST Data Solutions affiliated with Blackbaud? Or Virtuous? Or Little Green Light?

No. WIST Data Solutions is an independent business serving clients who use software created by Blackbaud, Virtuous and Little Green Light. As a partner with these companies, we have access to tools and knowledge that our clients might not.


Is WIST Data Solutions affiliated with Blackbaud? Or Virtuous? Or Little 

While we do not offer services pro bono, WIST gives back to the organizations we serve through our referral policy. If you refer us to another organization, we will donate 10% (up to $250) of the resulting fees in your honor to your organization.

© 2023 by WIST Data Solutions. Proudly created with

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